
Fim de semana!

 Ola caprichosas! Como foi seu fim de semana meninas? Bom, o meu foi super corrido mais foi otimo! Esse fim de semana fiz o cabelo e a maquiagem da minha amiga doce, Sarah pra ela ir pro show do " Prince Royce" ! Ela ficou maravilhosa!! :) Tambem resolvi amostrar pra voces a minhas unhas que eu fiz pro fim de semana que eu axei super gracinha e differente! 

Hello girls! How was your weekend? Well mine was a rush but it was great!! This weekend i did my sweet friend, Sarah's hair and makeup for the Prince Royce concert that she attended! She looked stunning! I also decided to show you my nails that i did for the weekend that i thought looked really cute and diffrent! :)

Unhas pro fim de semana
Weekend nails!

Gostaram lindas? BjBjBj!! :)

Orly-Kiss the bride
China Glaze- Leather


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