
SORTEIO MAC makeup new collection!

Ola meninas! Hoje tem sorteio pra voces!!!! Obaaaaaaaaa! :) MAC makeup ta com uma nova colecao "Office hours" ! Linnnndaaaa de morrer! Amei as cores, e mais pro Outono/Inverno. Esse vai ser o primeiro sorteio do blog! :)

Hello girls! Today there is drawing for you girls!! WOHOO! MAC makeup now has a new collection called "Office Hours"! Gorgeous collection, its really to die for! I love all the colors, its more of the fall/winter colors. This is the blogs first drawing! 

Infinitely Likeable Lipgloss

Endless Passion eye shadow
Subborn Blush

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 O sorteio será INTERNACIONAL!

Boa sorte! Good luck!